Life Coaching Brilliance From Beyoncé, Janelle Monae And M.I.A.

Remember way back in 2013 when:

M.I.A.’s label wouldn’t put out her album so she threatened to leak it to her fans ?

Janelle Monae’s album The Electric Lady shot to number 5 on the Billboard chartsdespite the crap from professional critics?

Beyoncé secretly released the visual album she wanted to, and with no promotion, outsold her last album in just one month?

Every one of these fierce women of color faced hurdles (/shade-throwing) by folks who wanted to hold them back.

(Each of their albums included revolutionary themes, like M.I.A.’s “Bring Da Noize,” Bey’s “Superpower” and Janelle’s “Q.U.E.E.N.” Coincidence?)

Jealous/insecure/power-over kinda folx will talk mad shit about you and your work.

Don’t let them hold you back.

Follow your dreams.

If someone else won’t make a path for you, make your own. You are unstoppable.


We Did It! Brouhaha: Trans Women Of Color Comedy Storytelling


Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.