Post-apocalyptic Movie And Discussion Night!


RSVP via Eventbrite: We're bringing back movie night and combining it with book club! We're going to start things off this summer with a viewing of "A Night in the Woods" and "The Hunger Games". We'll gather and socialize and snack at 6:30 PM and will start the movies at 7 PM. Afterwards, we'll talk about the movies and The Hunger Games book. Here are some questions that we may be discussing: Night in the Woods:

  • "Whether and how trans communities of color, accustomed to going it alone, can ask for and receive help from others, and what internal struggles must be resolved for non-transgender people to become allies? — From "A Night in the Woods" web site.

Hunger Games:

  • How did the casting of the movie compare with the images of the characters that you had built in your mind while reading the book?

  • What made the Hunger Games (book and/or movie) appealing to you? Unappealing?

  • Do you feel this is an original work of art or derivative?

  • How does the Hunger Games relate to the trend of dystopian fiction coming out now? What do you think is fueling the popularity of dystopian novels?

Plus whatever people want to talk about! Please add discussion topics in the comments. Also, we have a challenge scheduling this June is a month chock full of activities especially for the queer community. It was actually possible for us to pick a date that didn't overlap with something else (because, quite simply, there is something going on every single day in June). If there's something going on on the 27th that you feel is enough of a conflict that we should change the date, please let us know. This event is organized by The Miracle Bookmobile and Liberating Ourselves Locally.  


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